Educational Conferences and Seminars

Educational Conferences and Seminars

Upcoming Live (Virtual) Conferences

Stop back regularly to see upcoming conferences – in the meantime – see our on-demand programs below!

On-Demand Educational Programs


Also available on this website is the ability to purchase access to a growing list of previously recorded conferences that we have presented virtually over the past few years.  All of our programs are comprehensive and entertaining, certainly not your typical one-hour “webinar” that leaves you with more questions than were answered.  Discover the difference of our popular conferences!


Multi-State Conferences


The ASC Podcast with John Goehle and ASC Central partner with some of the State ASC Associations to present conferences that are free to their members if they watch them live.  The 2023 Multi-State Virtual ASC Conference is now available On-Demand for those that could not attend the live session in June 2023 and offers an incredible 16 AEUs and 4 IPCHs at the very reasonable rate of $299.99.  Don’t miss this opportunity to fulfill your 2023 CASC and CAIP requirements!

We are planning for the 2024 Conference and more details to follow